IBEW Local 26 Clubs and Teams

Retired Members’ Club - View page

Electrical Workers Minority Coalition (EWMC)

Please contact Mark Thompson, president of the EWMC at 301-429-2575 or ewmc26@gmail.com. The Club meets September - June on the 2nd Friday of the month at 6 pm (before the General Membership Meeting). Come out and volunteer in the community with them! Facebook page. Also, check our our Community Service page for the Club's many philanthropic events.

Motorcycle Riders’ Club

Get your motor running and head out on the highway…with your IBEW Local 26 brothers and sisters. Here is your chance to be a riding club member. You must be a Local 26 dues-paying member in good standing to join. Those interested in joining the club must have a valid motorcycle endorsement on their state driver’s license. All bikes are welcome. Associate memberships will be available to spouses of eligible members. Upon joining, new members will be sized for a vest, after which it will take about two weeks to receive your “colors.”

The Motorcycle Riding Club generally meets on. This year, all meetings will be on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 10:30 am, in Lanham, MD, or Manassas, VA. Check the website calendar for dates. Contact Paulo Henriques at 301-459-2900 or email the club at ewmrc@ibewlocal26.org if you are interested. Mark your calendars for the next meeting.  The EWMRC proudly supports Special Love, for Children with Cancer. Special Love is a 501c (3) non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible. Special Love gives children, young adults with cancer and their families, a chance to enjoy normal childhood activities that healthy kids often take for granted.  For more information about Special Love, go to their website, www.specialove.org.

Women’s Committee: Sisters of IBEW Local Union 26
Who we are:
- Leaders in the IBEW and our communities.
- Activists who foster greater understanding of the social, economic, and health issues that affect working women.
What we do:
- Provide education, networking opportunities, and a support system for the IBEW Sisterhood.
- Empower IBEW Sisters to be strong and committed union members.
- Encourage women to run for public office and support candidates who uplift women.
How we give back:
- Career Fairs
- Get Out the Vote
- Community Service
There is no BrotHERhood without HER! Join the Facebook Group Here

IBEW Reach Out and Engage Next-gen Electrical Workers (RENEW) is for apprentices and run by apprentices. Come check us out! Meets the last Thursday of the month at 4 pm in Room 6 of the JATC.

The International's Facebook page or the Local 26 RENEW group page.

Softball Teams

We have teams in Maryland and Virginia. Contact Shayne Kramer at 301-520-0796.

Soccer Teams

Contact Juan Sotelo at 240-305-1920 or soccer@ibewlocal26.org. Games are in DC, MD, & VA

Bowling League

Meets Wednesdays at 6 pm at Crofton Bowling Centre from late August – late May 

Sporting Clays/USA

Contact Richard Murphy at 301-459-2900


Facebook page

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