EWMC Day of Service - March 11, 2023 Details Here
Local 26 Annual Food Drive
Local 26 was proud to support Bowie Food Pantry, Manna Food Center, Chesapeake Cares Food Pantry, and Southern Maryland Foodbank this holiday season with our annual food drive. Thank you to all who donated!!!
EWMC Day of Service Spring 2021
The Electrical Workers' Minority Coalition, along with the Local 26 Women's Committee, ReNEW, Retired Members' Club, and the EW Motorcycle Club, lent their hands for a Day of Service at the Capital Area Food Bank on March 21, 2021. They filled 1,260 boxes of food that was 27 pallets of boxes of food to go out for food distribution to families. They also had a call to donate 100 masks for adults and children & sanitizer to FAPAC (Foster & Adoptive Parent Advocacy Center). The Union matched our mask goal and donated 12 gallons of sanitizer which we donated to a representative of FAPAC at this event. Read the article in IN Charge.
Business Representatives Chris Brooks and Tom Clark, along with State Senator Joanne Benson and rain soaked volunteers, helping the community during the pandemic. This drive thru food distribution at Suitland High School helped hundreds of families in need.
Americans geared up to celebrate our nation’s independence on July 4th, Local 26 members and their families chose to start off the July 4th week by honoring the brave men and women who sacrificed their life for our country in the Vietnam War and Korean War. About 70 Local 26 volunteers rolled up their sleeves and opened their hearts by proudly and lovingly cleaning the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial Wall and the grounds of the Korean War Memorial in Washington, DC, early morning on July 1st. According to the National Park Service, the Local 26 crew was far and away the largest crew of volunteers to participate in this effort, as volunteer crews usually top out at about 20.
The Vietnam Veterans of America, in partnership with the VFW and American Legion Posts, spearhead this clean up and maintenance effort which runs every weekend from April through November. When our own Linda Lawrence, on behalf of our Local 26 Virginia Team on Politics (V-ToP), learned of this clean-up program, she immediately contacted the Vietnam Veterans of America and secured a date for Local 26 to volunteer. The process is first come, first served and the volunteer slots fill up quickly. She gladly accepted the date of July 1 and even took on two more dates—August 5th and October 28th—to clean the Korean War Memorial Wall.
Business Manager George Hogan, President Tom Myers and all of the Local 26 leadership team were on board with the effort, so all that was left to do was secure volunteers. And, that proved to be incredibly easy! With just an announcement on Facebook, some word of mouth, and an ad on the back page of the last InCharge, members signed up in droves to volunteer. Compared to the size of typical crews, the 70-strong Local 26 crew exemplified heart and power!
Business Manager Hogan arranged for the Local 26 trailer to be on site to serve coffee, water, and donuts when the volunteers began arriving at 5:45 a.m. The large turnout enabled the crew to work efficiently, splitting into four teams and working from the outer edges of the wall in toward the middle. The crews would rinse four panels of the wall at a time, scrub those panels with sponges, brushes, and special detergent, rinse again, and then continue on. Section by section they made certain that the wall gleamed and continued to honor the brave men and women who died in service to our country. At the end, the crew surveyed the grounds and cleaned up all of the trash leaving no footprint behind, just a beautiful memorial at which visitors can pay their respects.
“Our members are accustomed to working in crews for maximum efficiency on the job,” noted Business Manager Hogan. “It’s natural for us to work together, help each other and, today, to share the honor of washing the Wall.”
V-ToP would like to thank Business Manager Hogan, President Myers, Financial Secretary Joe Dabbs, Treasurer Melvin Cherry, and Executive Board Members Violet Carter and Greg Warner for their support and elbow-grease as they all came out and volunteered. And, of course, a huge thank you goes out to our Local 26 members and family members for selflessly donating their time to this worthy effort.
Visit the Photo Gallery for more photos at the event.