Inside Wireman / Journeyman Travelers

For daily job calls, please go here:


Please note, ALL DOCUMENTS MUST be turned in at the SAME TIME (in one email or submission) or it will delay the process of registering on the Available-for-Work list. You will not be registered until all information is received. Please send travel letters and supporting documentation to

New travelers
 signing the books for the first time, the following are required:

  • Photo ID/Drivers License
  • Current paid Dues receipt
  • Letter of Introduction/Travel Letter from your home Local 
  • Filled out referral registration form, see link below

 travelers signing the books, the following are required:

  • Current paid Dues receipt
  • Filled out referral registration form, see link below
  • Termination slip (If you took a job out of Local 26)

Journeyman (AJW) Referral Registration


IF YOU ARE ON FURLOUGH YOU MAY NOT SIGN ANY OUT-OF-WORK LIST. While on furlough you are still employed by your contractor, and are expected to stay in contact with that contractor in the manner they provided you regarding returning to work.

Day Book Signing is between 7:30 am to 8:30 am Eastern Standard Time Monday through Friday ONLY. If you sign outside of the 7:30 - 8:30 am EST time frame, it will be DELETED! Day Book Signing (to receive daily calls): 

Journeyman (AJW) Day Book 


AJW 30-Day Re-sign (Monthly 1st - 25th


If you have any questions please call or email:
E-Mail for Journeyman (AJW): 
Phone: (301) 459-2900

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